Hello! It's me, I'm back. I know it's been forever since I posted a blog, almost a year. A lot has happened since I last posted in February of 2020. Welcome to 2021! The past year has been a whirlwind.
First of all, I survived both the end of my senior year of high school and the first semester of college experience fully online. Translation ... in my pajamas most of the time, if you can wear a plaid blazer in a professional environment then my plaid pajama pants work just a well. It was honestly more exhausting than I could have ever anticipated. I thought getting up and going to school was draining and its just so much less exciting when you are starting your college experience online - knowing only a few people, rarely actually seeing the campus that you were supposed to call home. In an attempt to feel part of things I started writing for the school paper and our HerCampus chapter, check out some of my articles on my link tree.
Then I have been working part time in a restaurant, carrying over my after school job from my senior year. I love the little Irish pub I work at and the excitement of the bartenders and my boss when I told them I wouldn't be leaving for school in August made me feel so loved. But working in the restaurant business has been especially anxiety invoking during a pandemic. It has drastically slowed as the temperatures drop and number rise. I wash my hands like I scrubbing in for a craniotomy with McDreamy. The constant feeling of waiting for the other shoe to drop as we all anticipate another shutdown is exhausting. And people seem oblivious to the pandemic. (This is a reminder to tip when you order food to-go! And tip more than usual for dining in, restaurant workers everywhere are struggling.)
In the midst of covid, I decided to change how I looked at fashion. Let's be honest who didn't develop a minor shopping addiction while stuck at home? I decided to do my best to buy all of my clothes second hand or from small businesses. And this caught the addition of ThredUp who asked me to be an ambassador. Honestly that was my biggest accomplishment of 2020. I check their site daily because the finds are so amazing. My closet has gotten a serious update.
So this is me, a year later. A blonde waitress and college student with a caffeine addiction and a thrifted closet.
I can't wait to keep posting more frequently, so stay tuned!