Over the past decade the growth of makeup artists like Jeffree Star, James Charles and Nikkie Tutorials has erupted as they have partnered with brands or created their own cosmetic lines. James Charles collaboration palette with Morphe has sold out quickly after every release. Charles' being featured as the face of Covergirl in 2016 helped refine societal exceptions of who wears makeup. Jeffree Star's own line Jeffree Star cosmetics features everything needed to do a full face of makeup, foundation, concealer, highlighter and shadow palettes.
But how has being surrounded by so many people who create art with makeup affect me?
Overall I feel very little of me has changed as I am exposed to so many makeup gurus, I still has a disdain for foundation, which always feel heavy on my skin and covers the skin I've worked hard to achieve after a bout of acne in 2017. I'm still opposed to colored eyeshadow, preferring nudes and metallics that compliment my eye color, making my blue eyes pop instead of having the pop come from the actual color of the shadow.
However, my makeup collection has expanded greatly. The amount of eyeshadow I own has grown tremendously, going from a few Maybelline palettes to multiple palettes from well known makeup brands like Becca, Anastasia Beverly Hills, MAC, and Too Faced.

Ultimately, the growth of makeup gurus and the exposure to cool makeup looks on social media has given me the confidence to experiment with coloration and glitter. I feel confident enough to enjoy playing with makeup and I can appreciate its art, while also appreciating my natural beauty without anything on my face. Makeup is art and the amount applied is up to whoever is wearing it.
My exposure to makeup and having grown in my abilities has been freeing, knowing I am the only person who can determine how I look, and that no matter what people around me have to say about the amount I have on or lack thereof, I am happy with the reflection in mirrors around me and captured by the beauty I have achieve by myself. The availability of this community and their welcoming nature is amazing and inspiring and I am extremely happy it exists both online and in my life around me.
Thank you to those who have inspired me to enjoy playing with makeup now as much as I did when I was little, for giving me the confidence to love this beautiful skin I'm in with or without makeup and for helping refine the societal expectations of makeup to take it from covering up "blemishes" and creating the "perfect" face to become an art form.